Sunday, April 1, 2012

C4T with Justin Tarte

Justin Tarte- Life of an Educator...
Leave a Legacy

My second teacher that I was assigned was Justin Tarte. The First blog post I read of his was Leave a Legacy... written on March 17th 2012. I was glad that I was assigned to this post because it was quite enlightening and refreshing. Justin talks about how we as human beings do often wonder what people think of us and we spend way too much of our time stressing what others think than ourselves. He discusses how important it is to leave a positive legacy not only as an individual but also as an educator. Weather you are doing something or not people are all constantly noticing you so you must leave a positive and respectable legacy.

I commented on Justin's Blog Post by telling that his post was a well written post. He is such an intelligent educator. I hope to leave a positive legacy and one that could change the lives of others. I think everyone should read this particular blog because it is enlightening, positive, and encouraging.

Mindset: Start Making the Shift...


I read Justin Tarte's blog post, written on March 25th, about a book he read entitled, "Mindset", by Carol Dweck. The book talks about how there are two different types of mindsets, The "fixed" mindset and the "growth" mindset.

A fixed mindset avoids challenges, while a growth mindset embraces challenges...

A fixed mindset gets defensive or gives up easily, while a growth mindset persists in the face of adversity...

A fixed mindset sees effort as fruitless or worse, while a growth mindset sees effort as a path toward mastery...

A fixed mindset ignores useful negative feedback, while a growth mindset learns from criticism...

A fixed mindset feels threatened by the success of others, while a growth mindset finds lessons and inspiration from the success of others...

A fixed mindset will plateau early and achieve less than their full potential, while a growth mindset will reach ever-higher levels of success...

I comment back on Justin Tarte's blog post by telling him I want to have a "fixed" mindset and a "growth" mindset. By having a "fixed" mindset, I will have intelligence that is static and with "developed" mindset I will have intelligence that will continue to grow and develop.


  1. Hi Emilie - I had to come find you after reading Justin's post about legacy and seeing what you wrote. I too lost my mom and feel honored to continue her amazing legacy she has left with her family -- that I'm caring on with my children. I have been a teacher for 18 years...currently teaching first grade. I'm your newest follower. So sorry about your mom. (( HUGS ))
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. Hi there Vicky!
    Thank you for following me. It is also a great honor for myself to continue my mother's legacy. She was such a strong and caring woman. I try to better myself each day!

    Wow, 18 years of teaching first grade! You should be proud of yourself and you must be brave! :) I plan on teaching third or fifth grade or wherever they may need me.

    I am also your newest follower.
    Take care,
