Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blog Post #11

Little Kids...Big Potential

Kathy Cassidy is such a wonderful teacher. I enjoyed her video because it is so wonderful that children at a young age can use technology and really enjoy it! The children in the video seemed so interested and engaged. They loved to write on their blogs because it helped to polish their writing skills. It is a great thing that teachers, such as Mrs. Cassidy, are computer literate and are willing to help make a different in their students lives. I thought it was really neat how Mrs. Cassidy changes up the way she uses technology in the classroom. She wants to allow her students to be able to experience as much as they can but also meet the needs they may have within their studies. I definitely think it is a great idea for students to develop such a passion for the intelligence of technology at a young age.

Skype Interview with Kathy Cassidy

Wow! I hope I become a teacher like Mrs. Cassidy. She is very smart and she seems so passionate about technology and her students. It is pretty cool that she has had her class blog for over five years. I am glad that I am finally becoming more literate in the world of technology. I like how with only five computers, she incorporated technology into the classroom and found wonderful tools and sites for her younger students to use. She says that with fives, you can make an area for students to learn, hence the five computers she had access to. It is a great idea that Mrs. Cassidy takes safety measures in regards to her students. With her blogs, she does not match student names with students pictures. I think that passing out forms in the beginning of the year to enable the students' work to be put on the internet is a great idea and is nice for parents to get involved. Once I become an educator, I will definitely have a class blog to allow my students parents to keep up with their progress throughout the school year. I think it is very important to keep teacher and students, students and parents, parents and teachers, and administrators and everyone else connected. I think we should continuously try to incorporate ways of learning and teaching with technology into our curriculum. I think it makes learning more fun and teaching more organized, and who doesn't want that? I feel honored that I was assigned to watch Mrs. Cassidy's class video about how they use technology and also her Skype interview with Dr. Strange. She is making a wonderful difference and changing her students view on learning by integrating technology into her curriculum. These students are going to be very knowledgeable and I am sure they will be thanking Mrs. Cassidy in their future years in school. I definitely will have to say, "Well done Kathy Cassidy, you are an inspiration!"


  1. Emilie,

    Good post, but you need to put the source of your pictures as the actual website (not Google Images). Also you need clickable links to all that you discuss in your blog so that others can refer to what you are discussing. It sounds like you will really use technology to the best of your abilities in your future classroom!

  2. Thank you Elizabeth! I appreciate your insight on blog post 11.
